My books

Hasu heart of the apocalypse Is an autobiography that tells the Au coeur de l'apocalypse most intense moments of the professional career of the author. It is also and above all, a tribute to all military, professional and voluntary firefighters struggling every year against this scourge are forest fires (Les Presses du midi - 2004 - 143 pages- 12 photos -20 euros)Au coeur de lapocalypse
Sunny tomorrow This fiction on a background of wars in Indochina Les lendemains ensoleillés and Algeria, magnifies the friendship, love and honour, at the narration of this beautiful and dramatic history of men (Les Presses du Midi - 2006 - 278 pages -20 euros)Les lendemains ensoleillés
Tears of blood... under the chestnut trees: a thriller leads the reader in the beautiful massif of the Maures. The charming small village of Collobrières, "the capital of the Moors" is suddenly plunged into the worst nightmares... - (Les Presses du Midi - 2007 - 241 pages -18 euros)Des larmes de sang sous les chataigniers
Crimes and buildings A polar co-authored with Daniel Thouvenot, writer, journalist, formerly Explorer. A polar gasped on merits of suspicious Affairs on the Côte d'Azur. An incredible universe in which collide, in a ruthless war for the conquest of real estate in the Sun, the Russian mafia and the other (Les Presses du Midi - 2008 - 278 pages - 20 euros)Crimes et bâtiments
Red roses The history of his former teacher, resistant during the Second World War, author provides the frame of this moving novel. Moments of bravery, moments of cowardice intermesh to the tragic outcome of this fiction fiction which has, in many circumstances, the color of truth historique? (Les Presses du Midi - 2009 - 240 pages - 18 euros)
Les roses rouges
In Mysterium From the first to the last line, we swim in the open mystery. The land of Palestine,thatof Provence in the wake of picturesque characters as enigmatic as we be surprised to lead a difficult archaeological quest. Between that of our heroes and research more philosophical "competitors" unpredictable, the author portrays herea delicious mess.. (Les Presses du midi - 2011 - 236 pages - 19 euros)
In veritas Marseilles 2013, European capital of the culture! But beyond this stereotype ô how much dazzling, remains unfortunately a painful reality and darker that one: that of one city to the image chipped by many bloody news in brief which too often défraient the chronicle. From this dark reflection of the “capital of the South”, the author camps here a new panting novel, by which it plunges us in the pitiless universe of the drug traffickers and that more discrete, but as much cynical, of the robbers of objects of Art. Without knowing, these two clans are in search of their respective “treasure”, whose value for the ones, as for the others, is of a singular character ! (Les Presses du Midi - 2013 - 280 pages - 18 euros)
Die in the paradise Of the natural harbour from Toulon to the Iles d'Hyères, the discovery of a body carbonized in ashes of a forest fire, a dead man floating in littoral waters of Port-Cros and a man murdered in its street, one night in Toulon, establishes the weft of this riddle.A novel which reminds us that the past, unlike the men, never dies; even in the wonderful frame of this corner of Provence. ( - 2015 - 231 pages- 16 euros)
Chaos ! Leaving the quay of the Silversmiths, with an unsolved case, commissioner Gouvier unloads in Marseille, the city of his childhood, marked by diverse forms of violence.
In the middle of its souvenirs, its spirit is stretched on the tracking, between the Phocaean city and Toulon, by a serial killer who signs his crimes with a card of tarot. (Les Presses du Midi - 2016 - 354 pages - 20 euros)

The Murdered Mountain… Why this notable gapençais, apparently without history and recognized by all as a generous man, he was murdered in this night of the end of August on the heights of the "capital" of the Hautes-Alpes? And the nearby Massif of the Dévoluy will soon deliver all its secrets… (Police novel - Les Presses du Midi - 2018 - 276 pages- 17 euros)
Curse! During archaeological excavations in the castle of Bargème, a picturesque medieval village of Haut-Var, an archaeologist discovers an enigmatic prophecy that will soon lead her into a disturbing and disturbing adventure. Will she finally unravel the secret behind this staggering “Truth”, which is so disturbing? Blackmail, aggression, kidnapping and suspicious death, will they not weaken his quest for discovery. (Esoteric Roman - Les Presses du Midi - 2019 - 436 pages - 22 euros)
The past never dies… Twenty-five years after a resounding series of criminal forest fires for which a young fireman was heavily condemned, a new series of fires again martyred the magnificent massif of the Moors, in the Var. Is it the same arsonist, free today, and in this case, is it simply to avenge the popular vindictive of the time? A fiction in which some colorful characters rub shoulders but who will also contribute to the discovery of an incredible truth… (Suspense - Les Presses du Midi - 2020 - 345 pages - 20 euros)

The wolf of Dévoluy The Hautes-Alpes region is in turmoil. Annabel Raspail, the general secretary of Love Our Wolves, was murdered one night in July 2019 in Gap. Of course, the first suspicions lie with the many opponents who are extremely determined to eradicate the famous canid from the Dévoluy massif... (Les presses du Midi - 2021 - 321 pages – 18 euros)

The mystery of the bue pebbles A starry sky inviting to romanticism, a small seaside town on the Var coast, still quiet, a meeting of friends in front of a plate of tapas; in fact nothing but a banal holiday evening... However, a few hours later, the awakening turned out to be painful! One of them, 16-year-old Audrey, a teenager with no history, hopes of local handball, mysteriously vanished into the wild. What happened to her? Did she run away, was she kidnapped; or... worse? (Les presses du midi - 2022 - 336 pages – 20 euros)

A girl from the Luberon Fabien, a young fireman assigned to Avignon, dreams of finding his native Mediterranean. But a capricious fate will thwart his plans. Thus, instead of this fantasized Var coast, it is the deep Vaucluse that welcomes him as a soldier of fire. In Apt, the “capital” of the Luberon, love also blows from the embers when he meets Caroline… (Les Presses du Midi – 2023 – 336 pages, 22 euros)

Marie du Dévoluy In times of war, all certainties fade and habits are turned upside down. This is the backdrop of this romantic fiction that depicts, in many circumstances, the dark colors of a tragic epic of France.
When the war broke out on August 1, 1914, the tranquillity experienced by the inhabitants of Saint-Etienne-en-Dévoluy was shattered.
In the mountains, the middle of summer is the period of alpine pastures, the harvests are far from being finished, and the harvests have barely begun. Faced with the imponderable, it is necessarily women who will have to compensate for the absence of their men who went to the front. The thwarted loves, the doubts and the broken hopes, base the plot of this novel which is not without reminding us where we come from. Especially when history threatens to stutter again around the world…( les Presses du Midi - 2024 - 276 pages, 22 euros)

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